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Ways to Give

Your generosity helps support the financial needs of the church. Our parish relies on weekly donations to cover utility bills, salaries, and other expenses. Tax receipts for eligible amounts are issued annually.

At Mass


Simply drop your cash donation in the collection basket. Registered parishioners receive printed parish envelopes. Please make cheques payable to St. Ann Parish.

By e-Transfer


Donations can be made via electronic funds transfer to No password required. Kindly include your envelop number in the memo section, if applicable.

About the Envelopes in Your Donation Box


Ever wonder why the envelopes in your weekly donation box have different colours? More importantly, where does your contribution go? While the colour of the envelope is arbitrarily assigned, the envelopes in your donation box are separated into three categories:


  • The Weekly Collection (white) is used to support the operations of the parish. These include wages for our priest(s) and secretary; supplies, such as altar candles, communion wafers; and office and rectory expenses. Any shortfall is made up by withdrawing from our meager savings. 9% of the funds collected goes to support the work of the Archdiocese. This is known as the cathedraticum and the practice goes back centuries.


  • Archdiocesan and National Collections (yellow) go towards specific causes as indicated on the envelope. Examples include Priests’ Retirement Fund, Pope’s Pastoral Works, and Education of Seminarians. 100% of your donation goes to the cause.


  • Money received in the Building Fund Collection (blue) support the major capital projects of the church. Some parishes designate this monthly collection to cover the cost of fuel associated with the operations of the parish. 100% of your contribution remains with the parish.


Regardless of the colour of the envelope, 100% of your donation is eligible for a tax receipt. 

Other Ways to Contribute

Mass Intentions


Parishioners may request special intentions that are offered to God as prayers of intercession and thanksgiving in and through the Eucharist. Mass intentions may be set for:


  • A deceased loved one

  • A living person who is sick or suffering

  • A living person who is celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other special moment in their life


Intentions may be announced ($20) or remain private ($10). Please contact the parish office to arrange for Mass intentions.



St. Ann's hosts a number of fundraising events throughout the year. Your participation in these events contribute to the financial health of our Parish so bring a friend!



Our Parish’s operational needs are sustained solely by parishioner donations of time, treasure, and talent. Learn about our committees and inquire about where your talents could be put to use.

Planned Giving

A "planned" gift, also known as a legacy gift, is a donation you have arranged to make either during your lifetime, and/or after your passing.


Planned gifts come from long-term preparation and thought. Be sure to discuss your intentions with loved ones and seek advice from competent financial consultants and/or legal counsel.


Panned gifts make a clear statement about the importance of faith in the life of the benefactor, while at the same time providing vital support for the Parish. Planned gifts can result in an immediate donation, a donation that is distributed over a period of time, or occur when you or a family member passes away.


Many planned gifts are arranged through estate plans. The most common ways to make planned gifts are:


  • Through gifts in your will

  • By designating St. Ann's Parish as owner and/or beneficiary of a life insurance policy

  • Through a trust whereby assets pass to St. Ann's Parish after your death (called a Charitable Remainder Trust)

  • Donations of publicly traded securities, real estate and other assets

  • Through named endowment funds


Bequests can be unrestricted or designated for a specific purpose.


Please contact the Parish Office for more information.

Labrador Outreach Project

The Labrador Outreach Project is a volunteer effort is designed to assist two Innu communities in Labrador. Guided by the advice of the priests and the teachers in the communities, our parish family collects and purchases new clothing items for adults and children, books, toys, backpacks, sports equipment and any other items identified as needed by each community.


Learn more about the Labrador Outreach Project.

Merrickville Food Cupboard 


The Food Cupboard is looking for donations of non-perishable food items. Hygiene products, such as shampoo, conditioner, and toilet paper, are also in demand. Donations can be dropped off at the back of St. Ann’s Church. 


To access the Food Cupboard, please visit:


Rideau Community Health Services
354 Read Street, Merrickville | 613.283.1952 ext. 247
Tuesdays from 10 am - 2 pm

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